Friday, February 10, 2012

Så blir gamla däck prima dieselolja

Så blir gamla däck prima dieselolja: Ett helt nytt svensk oljebolag har sett dagens ljus – Cassandra Oil. Oljemannen och uppfinnaren Anders Olsson har utvecklat en katalytisk kracker som gör olja av gamla däck och plastpåsar.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Poverty, inequality and redistribution

Poverty, inequality and redistribution:

Governments can reduce poverty and inequality through taxes and cash transfers. Successful programmes such as Progresa-Oportunidades in Mexico and Bolsa Família in Brazil have helped reduce poverty and inequality in the last couple of decades, but compared with rich countries, Latin American countries still fall short. According to a new report by the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, Chile is the group's most unequal member. It also finished third from the bottom, ahead only of Mexico and Israel, in relative poverty, measured by the share of the population earning less than half the median income. (Brazil fares even worse in both categories, but is not part of the OECD). Government spending on health, education and social policies is low, around 16% of GDP; the OECD average is around 27%. While the government has introduced Ingreso Ético Familiar, the new cash transfer programme only targets the extreme poor. More efficient and progressive taxes would raise revenues and reduce inequality. Tax evasion by corporations and individuals alone is estimated to cost the government some 2.5% of GDP. Chile’s economy grew by 6.6% last year, but will slow to around 4% this year. Better job opportunities and higher quality education are needed to improve labour productivity and boost growth.

Correction: An earlier version of the text said government social spending was much higher, this was in fact total spending, sorry.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Microfluidic silicon probe could improve disease diagnostics

Microfluidic silicon probe could improve disease diagnostics:

IBM scientists have created a flexible silicon probe, that could allow for more precise st...

IBM scientists in Zurich have created a proof-of-concept device, that could change the way that human tissue samples are analyzed. Presently, samples must be stained with a biomarker solution in order to detect the presence of a disease. The staining process can be quite involved, however, plus it is subject to error – too much of the solution can cause inaccurate results, for instance. Additionally, it can sometimes be difficult to perform enough tests using the small amount of tissue extracted in most biopsies. The IBM technology, though it still involves staining, is said to offer a potential solution to these shortcomings...
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012




My Walkstation

A few years back Paul and I brainstormed Not Invented Here plotlines. I told him about the burgeoning trend of desk treadmills, or "walkstations" as they've become known. We both had a good laugh over it. But then I read Neal Stephenson's Reamde which features some hot treadmill action, and I became convinced that this was a good fit for me and my increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

I found a friend who had a treadmill she wanted to give away. I removed the handrails and, by sheer chance, it fit exactly under my desk, which is a sitting/standing unit I bought when I injured my back a few years ago. Now several times a day I walk for 30 minutes at 2mph, a pace so easy I usually forget I'm even doing it. I code, I write (I'm walking right now), and I even pencil Unshelved. I do have to stop walking in order to ink, because my fine motor skills can't handle the jostling.

Next up, a friend of mine is going to help me hack the treadmill so I can control it directly from my Mac, getting rid of the giant plastic control panel it comes with. All in all this is about the nerdiest thing I've ever done, but I think my walkstation is here to stay.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tryck ditt eget mönster på tyg

Tryck ditt eget mönster på tyg: Fixa gardiner med Pac Man!

Gardiner är väl kanske inte prio ett här i världen men ibland vill man ha tyg och då vill man ha något roligare än det som finns på IKEA. På kan du beställa ditt eget tryck på tyg och det fina är att det inte finns någon minimibeställning och de skickar internationellt.

Känner du dit okreativ kan du beställa något av de tryck som redan finns på siten och som gjorts av användarna. I dag finns bland annat Pac Man, Tetris och Frogger-tryck för oss lite nördigare.

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Tryck ditt eget mönster på tyg